Just Golang Things

Nil Slice Vs Empty Slice

  // create a nil slice of integers
  var arr []int

  // create an empty slice of integers
  arr := make([]int, 0)

Unnecessary blank identifier

  // works just fine
  for range something

Checking inerfaces and types in runtime

  type BroadcastIface interface {

  var temp interface{} = somevar
	_, ok := temp.(BroadcastIface)

  if !ok {
    fmt.Println("somevar does not implement BroadcastIface")

Json Marshall type conversion

  type person struct {
    Name    string  `json:"name"`
    Balance float64 `json:"balance,string"`

  p := person{Name: "Steve", Balance: 200}
	jsonData, _ := json.Marshal(p)

  // {"name":"Steve","balance":"200"}
  // Note balance of type float64 is automatically converted into string

A case for empty struct

  // an empty structure that occupies zero bytes of storage
  // struct{}{}

  // can be used instead of bool or int in done channel
  done := make(chan struct{})
  // ...
  done <- struct{}{}

  type CalcIface interface {
    Add(a, b int) int
    Sub(a, b int) int

  // No receiver capture funcs, empty struct to group methods togetehr
  type calc struct{}

  func (calc) Add(a, b int) int { return a+b }
  func (calc) Sub(a, b int) int { return a-b }

  // only expose Calc and CalcIface
  var Calc CalcIface = calc{}

Add cool funcs on types

  type people []string

  func (p *people) add(name string) {
    *p = append(*p, name)

  grp := people{"John", "Steve"}

  // [John Steve Mike]

Function implementation alternative to single method interface

  type SquarerIface interface {
    DoSquare(int) int

  type ProcessFunc func(int) int

  func (pf ProcessFunc) DoSquare(i int) int {
    return pf(i)

  myfunc := func(i int) int { return i * i }

	var sq SquarerIface = ProcessFunc(myfunc)

  // 25

Closures/ Higher Order functions

  func StartCounterFrom(start int) func() int {
    return func() int {
      start = start + 1
      return start

  incr := StartCounterFrom(10)
  fmt.Println(incr()) //prints 11
  fmt.Println(incr()) //prints 12

Embedding interfaces and structs

  // Example 1
  type Ball struct {
    Radius   int
    Material string
  func (b Ball) Bounce() {
    fmt.Printf("Bouncing ball %+v\n", b)
  type Football struct {
    Ball // embedding  struct Ball

  fb := Football{Ball{Radius: 5, Material: "leather"}}
  fb.Ball.Bounce() // works
  fb.Bounce() // works

  // Example 2
  // field collisions

  type A struct {
    x int32

  type B struct {
    x int32

  type C struct {

  c := C{A{1}, B{2}}
  //fmt.Println(c.x) // Error, ambiguous
  fmt.Println(c.A.x) // Ok, 1
  fmt.Println(c.B.x) // Ok, 2
  // Example 3
  // composing interfaces
  type area interface {
    area() float64
  type perimeter interface {
    perimeter() float64
  // Composing Interfaces
  type geometry interface {
  // Example 4
  // interfaces in struct
  type animal interface {

  type pet1 struct {
    name string

  func (p1 pet1) walk() {

  type pet2 struct {
    name string

  var p1 animal = &pet1{name: "Peggy"}
  var p2 animal = &pet2{name: "Meggy"}

	p1.walk() // ok
  p2.walk() // finds method, but will be intialised with the zero value of the interface which is nil. As walk in not implemented, a panic will occur

Better Error

  var RecordError = error.New("Record not found")
  // export and use RecordError

  // usage in another file
  func New() error {
    // ...
    if false {
      return RecordError

  // checking
  if err ==  RecordError {
    fmt.Println("I know this is record error")
  } else {
    fmt.Println("Something werid happen")

Switch based on types

  func (u User) Make(v interface{}) {
    switch v.(type) { // or t := v.(type) and use t in later cases
    case string:
      // ...
    case int:
      // ...
      // ...

  // Example usage from Dynamodb's Go SDK
  if err != nil {
    switch t := err.(type) {
    case *dynamodb.TransactionCanceledException:
        log.Fatalf("failed to write items: %s\n%v", t.Message(), t.CancellationReasons)
        log.Fatalf("failed to write items: %v", err)
